Thursday, January 12, 2012

1 day, 12 hours to go!

Well, it's almost go time! Finished my last prerace run!

I'm getting really excited now:) My mom and her friend are coming down to Charleston tomorrow, then we're heading to the race expo to pick-up our packets and eat the pre-race dinner. Yummy carbs!
Nom, nom, nom!
I had a rough run on Monday...really bad anterior tibialis pain in my right leg (which was a first in a LONG time) and then the ankle pain that forced me to sit out a week and a half around Thanksgiving. I was really worried since I could barely walk normally on Tuesday, even with an ankle brace. I ended up just jumping on the elliptical for 50 minutes on Wednesday and ran 4.35 miles today.

I've been eating an extra dose of carbs all week in the form of rice. Delicious! I had been doing pretty bad on my dieting with all the chocolate in my apartment. Like, really bad. Tuesday I started following my diet hard core again. If I go by my New Year's Eve weight, I'd gained 2.8 lbs as of Tuesday:( Yesterday and today I was solid at I should get back to 155lbs in a month. But I also plan on starting to lift again, so we'll see what happens:)

But not thinking about that, I have a HALF-MARATHON in 36 hours!!!

1.5 days until the Charleston Half-Marathon
78 days until the Cooper River Bridge Run

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