Well, it's a new year.
I wasn't planning on drinking much/anything for New Year's, but I went to Goat Island with Burry and some friends and drank a little too much to do my New Years Day 13.1 miles. Oops.
However, with that extra bit of dehydration, I
WAS able to hit my New Year's Day goal of 155 lbs. That's right. I DID IT (and today it was 155.8 lbs, so I was only dehydration-cheating a little:P). I can't believe it. I started logging daily the same day I started my official training plan for the half. With training and diet, I've literally run my butt off. It's crazy to think that I haven't been this light since high school (I can't remember my weight before I started packing it on after my knee injury sophomore year).
155 pounds!!! So EXCITING! |
I feel like I've lost a good bit of upper body muscle though, so that's one of my goals for the year: to start working on upper body/abs again. Fun times!
I was going to hydrate all day yesterday and do the 13.1 mile long run once I felt hydrated enough, but I never got there. I felt like it was just too big of a risk to do it, so I postponed. It helped that Monday's were my usual long day anyway. I was still a little disappointed I didn't get it in though. Maybe that will motivate me to put the drinks down next year:P
I've earned the 13.1 sticker! |
So yeah. Today I ran 13.1 miles. That's ridiculous. I can't believe I've made it to the point where I just went out and ran that much. No music. No people to chat with. Just me running. I feel so accomplished. I'll be honest. When I started training 3 months ago, I really didn't know if I'd be able to do it. And honestly, if it hadn't been for Jen and Lindsey, I probably wouldn't have. Definitely shows you how much a group can help you. I'm also really excited that by my crazy idea to run it, I've convinced them to run their first half-marathons too!
When I set out today, I didn't really have a goal time. I'd decided that I wanted to finish the race with a time of 2:20:00, but that I'd be happy with anything under 2:30:00. Well, I didn't write down the first couple of mile markers, but the first couple of miles felt really slow. When I hit the 3rd mile, I was probably running 11:00-11:15 min/miles. I was kinda depressed about that, but figured it was from the New Years drinking. Then I didn't really check it for a few miles, and when I finally did, I was averaging 10 min/miles. I really thought I'd missed a turn or something, but I knew I was going a lot faster, and I started timing my miles. I even double checked my map when I got back. But I wasn't wrong.
I'd finished in 2:10:48.
WHAT!?! My first ever 13.1 mile time was
UNDER my race day goal? How the heck did that happen? Since I just went out like it was a normal run, and was doing it on my own, I'm changing my race day goal to 2:10:00. It's pretty freaking doable. I just found out that there will be pacers for the half too, and there is a 2:00:00 one. I'm going to try to keep up with that group. If I can just start out a little faster, I think I can do it. Or it might kill me. We'll see:D
1,180 calories of pure deliciousness. |
After my run, I rewarded myself by replacing 1,180 calories (of my burned 1447 calories) with Zaxby's. I don't remember the last time I've eaten more than a couple fries (literally 2). It was so delicious, but so greasy. After not eating fast food much (other than Subway) the past 3 months, it's kind of disgusting to me now. So weird!
Well, that's about it for today. Other than the fact that I'm STOKED about the whole carbo-loading thing I get to do next week. Since I hit my goal, I'm just maintaining my weight until after the race (After, I might try to lose 5 more lbs, but I'll also be starting to lift again, so I'm not expecting much...bring on the muscle weight!)
Here is my first feeble attempt at using the splits function on my watch. I didn't think of it until mile 5, then freaked out when I didn't know what the heck I was doing. It was probably really funny watching me try to figure it out. Also, why didn't I think of using this before!?! (Keep in mind that some places I have to do that whole stoplight thing, which I'm pretty sure happened on mile 9)
Miles 1-5: 10:14 min/mile avg.
Miles 6-7: 10:30 min/mile avg.
Mile 8: 10:13 min/mile
Mile 9: 11:43 min/mile
Miles 10-11: 8:59 min/mile
Mile 12: 9:29 min/mile
Mile 13.1: 9:50 min/mile
Definitely rocked the last few miles. Interesting. I'm definitely going to start timing that more often. I'll worry about time goals more seriously at my next half:)