I wish I was this excited about running. I love Dabo! |
I haven't exercised since Wednesday. Yeah, I know, I'm a lazy bum. But I really needed Wednesday off after running longer Monday and Tuesday, then I left Charleston rights after my classes on Thursday to visit the family. Then there was shopping and socializing with Emily and the ruggers on Friday, Clemson football on Saturday (WE BEAT AUBURN!!!), and the drive back to Charleston Sunday. Crazy stuff. I did get some exercise Sunday, because I'm on the DPT 2014 flag football team (we beat the OTs 51-6...in case anyone is wondering:D )
So yeah, that paragraph full of excuses is lame, I know.
Today I got back into things with the long run I was supposed to do yesterday. That's right. I upped my mileage. Who is this crazy person? I officially set out (and successfully completed) a 4. MILE. RUN. Say what?!?
I walked for about a minute at the 1.65 mile turn around, and then to get my water after the 3.25 mile mark. Then I pounded out the last 0.8 or so miles in a run. It took me about 46 minutes to complete (I would have the exact number, but I'm still learning to use my new watch and didn't completely stop it at the end...lol). That's the longest run I've done in a while.
I'm a little achy in places, especially my right ankle. It's been bothering me a bit when I run lately...maybe I'll have to cave and get one of my professors to look at it. My lower back was terrible after the first turn around, and I had to sit down and try to stretch it out before I started up again. Now my left hip is hurting a bit and my right one was clicking when I was doing my ab work out (bicycles, in and outs, etc). Ick. I have a feeling my mechanics are mostly to blame. My right ankle has always clicked when I run, it's just the first time my hip has ever done it. I'll probably take Wednesday off and find some way to motivate myself to run Thursday after class...we have our first neuro exam that day and the class is planning to go out to see Lion King 3D as a group. Hopefully I can squeeze in a run somewhere.
Enough rambling and procrastinating. I've got so much flashcard making and studying to do before Thursday, it's not even funny!
46 days until the James Island Connector 10k
116 days until the Charleston Half-Marathon